Atchison County Health Department’s mission is to maintain, protect and improve the health & well-being of all citizens in Atchison County.
We are located at 421 Main Street, Tarkio, MO 64491
Phone: 660-736-4121 Fax: 660-736-5533
We are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 5:30pm.
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Upcoming Events:
CLOSED: February 17, 2025
Womens Health Clinic: February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20 @ Atchison County Health Dept. from noon – 3pm. Call for an appointment.
(Complete Blood Count, Complete Metabolic Panel, HgbA1C, and Lipid Panel)
Flu & Covid Vaccines will also be available:
Feb 20 2025: 8am-noon
Fairfax City Hall
Main Street Fairfax, MO
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Click to read the ancillary Community Profile.
Click to read the final version of the CHNA.
Coming up next: Our Community Health Improvement Planning meeting was held June 13th. At the meeting we agreed on the need for community-wide education about the substance use and mental health resources that are available in our community. We all agreed that while these resources are not sufficient to meet the current need, they are being underutilized. Our first strategy under the goal of Maximize utilization of existing resources was to launch a public education campaign describing the resources that are available.
We’re looking for a few of you to help by serving on a workgroup for each of these tasks. We’d love to have 3 – 5 people for each group. Would you please consider how you might help, and then please call and let us know if you can serve on one of these workgroups and/or host one of these workgroups? Together we can make a difference in our community.
Who: All ages!
Where: Atchison County Health Department
What: Complete Blood Count, Complete Metabolic Count, HgbA1c, Lipid Panel
When: Monday – Thursday, Call 660-736-4121 to an appointment
Why: To screen for health issues, discuss results, and provide referrals.
Lab Draws provided by grant funding.
Birth & Death certificates are available at the Health Center from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday. Same-day service is available to walk-in customers. You must have a photo identification card of some kind (driver’s license, work I.D., etc.) to obtain the copies. Birth certificates are $15 and Death certificates are $14 for the 1st printed certificate and $11 for each additional printed at the same visit.
COVID vaccine: Available now.
FLU Shots: We have regular and HIGH DOSE Flu vaccine available.
Flu shots are 100% covered with most insurances. If your insurance does not cover, or you do not have insurance, there will be no charge to you.
Atchison County Health Department continues to have COVID-19 antigen & PCR testing by appointment Monday through Thursday. We also have flu testing and strep testing.
Please call 660-736-4121 to make an appointment. Testing is done car-side.
Please call for more information. 660-736-4121.
To find a COVID-19 vaccine near you, go to and type in your zip code. You can also narrow the search down by type of vaccine and search radius.
Atchison County Health Department, Tarkio, MO:
We have both Moderna & Pfizer vaccine available.
Getting an annual flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. Appointments encouraged. Walk-ins Welcome!
If any businesses are interested in hosting a covid or flu clinic, please call 660-736-4121.
Check us out on Facebook – Atchison County Missouri Health Department
Monitor the health status of Atchison County to identify & prevent health problems
Emergency preparedness planning and education – including COVID-19 response
COVID-19 testing and vaccinations
Food inspections of all food establishments in Atchison County
Safety, sanitation & fire safety inspections of day cares & lodging
Private drinking water testing
Birth and Death Certificates
Infant, Child & Adult Immunizations
Annual Flu shots
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing & follow-up
Communicable disease investigations and follow-up
Tuberculosis Skin testing & follow-up
WIC (Women, Infants & Children nutrition program)
Breast & Cervical Cancer Control program including referrals for free mammograms for those who qualify
Family planning, pregnancy testing, affordable birth control for women and men
Lead testing & lead poisoning prevention
Health counseling & health education
Community Closet donation room